Image of a laptop and phone showing product

Native App Design

Design and development of the Access PeopleXD Native App.


Access PeopleXD ( formally CoreHR ) Provides a companion self service set of applications in both iOS and Android.

The application was entirely redesigned in almost every way from UI & UX to architecturally with the aim of streamline the experience.

Initially this was a CoreHR application which was rebranded to fit a wider Access suite of native apps.

My Role

  • Principle UI Designer & Prototyper - Acted as a visual UI designer to adapt Material Design to the needs's of the application.
  • UX Designer - Worked as a UX designer to contuct research, interview stakeholders, conduct user testing & other field research.
  • Design Evangelist - Worked to bring product design into the arena of software development, and as a standards gatekeeper.

Key Challenges of Native Design

  • Target - Establishing an audience for a HR companion app is challenging and requires targeted research. It was also important to define the key aspects which would be most beneficial for managers, approvals etc. It was a priority to keep the app light touch as well.
  • Integration - Since we were adding an app to an existing suite of apps, it required a lot of A/B and wireframing to define what was secure yet seamless.
  • Customization - The desktop version allows for a considerable amount of customer theming. We had to outline ways to brand the product while retaining the native and familiar aspects.
  • Design Systems - As with the Desktop version, a Design system for both iOS and Android was implemented and enforced. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to native apps. See Jakob's Law.

Sample Design Process

Enterprise Design


Just as with the Desktop version, We went through many iterations of improvised design processes and came to a conclusion. There is no one size fits all solution, we settled on a simplified version of the below diagram.

The overall size of the native app is considerably smaller so it is somewhat easier to map user flows.

Some Concept Examples


Image of Dashboard


Image of Analytics

Design System

Image of a time